
General Information About Dental Visits

A visit to the dentist isn’t something that people necessarily look forward to, but it is something that should be done regularly to help maintain your overall oral health. But why are regular checkups so important? what does a dentist look for? what should you...

Adult tips for better teeth habits

IMAN Dental Center is here to for you every step of the way. Your smile is only as good as your dental care. If you want to look and feel your best, you need to take care of your teeth. As children we have it instilled in us that we need to brush our teeth 2-3 times a...

Kids Tips for Better Teeth Habits

Did you know that your child’s teeth are at risks of decay as soon as they appear? That means that by 6 months of age, your child is at risk of cavities and decay! At such a young...

Senior Tips For Brushing Teeth

While age is not the sole factor that determines oral health, it definitely plays a large role. As a senior, there are many things that can influence oral health. Some medications, for example, can work against it, and some diseases or conditions like arthritis can...